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Updated: 12 minutes ago

David Gray released his amazing new record Dear Life on January 17th 2025. The roll out of this release has been a beautiful experience for me personally as a David Gray fan.

First, I took part in the album pre-sale in September 2024 that coincided with the fresh 1st single off the record titled "Plus & Minus". You can check out the pre-sale of the signed vinyl page here.

If you had a chance to read my previous article, you will know that I discovered David Gray's music as a teenager and to have something signed by him sure means a heck of alot. The same can in fact be said for every artist who has ever signed anything for me!

There is a new trend in the music industry that I would like to point out as truly awesome!

I have now experienced this with the recent new releases from David Gray, Coldplay and the upcoming Doves record.

What the bands have chosen to do is have a limited amount of signed vinyl records on offer on their merch site for pre-sale. The cool part is that they are selling the signed editions of their respective albums at the same price as their unsigned copies of the record on a first come first serve basis.

To be on the receiving end of this experience as a music fan feels a bit like getting a golden ticket in some way …. and I love the first come first serve approach!

Therefore, instead of charging more money for the signed copies of the album the artists here have chosen to bring a bit of luck and fun into album pre-sale.

I believe this is a great way for bands to connect with their fans further making the vinyl vs streaming war much more interesting too.

We all know of the many plights and inequalities for artists in our current streaming era of music consumption. It is for that reason, I believe the purchase of a vinyl record says so much more to the artist than an album stream.

I believe that music streaming’s true function in the world is to window shop for music. When I've streamed a record several times and find myself returning to the artists music, I then buy the album on vinyl.

To me, I am saying as a music fan to the artist "I have streamed your album enough times now (a.k.a window shopped) that I now want to know more about your music and commit to it as a fan. I want to hear it with better sound, I want to study your album art which I know artists and sometimes teams of people came together to create.

I also want to read the lyrics and read the album credits to who helped make the music that I’m listening to. It’s also fun to see if there are any familiar names in the credits and if they’re not familiar to me, I may want to learn about them too! And above all I want to invite the artist’s music on my record shelf with my other favorite bands over the years.

Anyway, back to David Gray's album roll out. On January 23rd, after an anticipatory 4 month wait, I received my signed copy of Dear Life which is on a very stunning sea blue vinyl.

When I write these blogs, I like to put the album on the stereo as I write so I can really get into the headspace and vibe. As I type my hope is that the reader maybe does the same! So go on, hit play on Dear Life now if you haven't already. Somehow, I just noticed for the first time that the vinyl also has 2 exclusive songs bringing the album to a healthy 15 tracks from the 13 on the digital track listing.  The new song I just uncovered now is a song called "The Messenger" which follows after "Singing for the Pharaoh" and all I can say is wow! What a song, it starts in the tune of "Singing for the Pharaoh"  but then slowly morphs into what sounds more like a remix and blissed out extension of the song. The two songs back to back sound absolutely magnificent!
When I write these blogs, I like to put the album on the stereo as I write so I can really get into the headspace and vibe. As I type my hope is that the reader maybe does the same! So go on, hit play on Dear Life now if you haven't already. Somehow, I just noticed for the first time that the vinyl also has 2 exclusive songs bringing the album to a healthy 15 tracks from the 13 on the digital track listing. The new song I just uncovered now is a song called "The Messenger" which follows after "Singing for the Pharaoh" and all I can say is wow! What a song, it starts in the tune of "Singing for the Pharaoh" but then slowly morphs into what sounds more like a remix and blissed out extension of the song. The two songs back to back sound absolutely magnificent!

The best part about when I did receive the vinyl was that I was about to see David Gray for my 6th time on January 31st at Massey Hall in Toronto.

The Show.

The line up to get in on a chilly and clear last night in Toronto January 31st 2025.
The line up to get in on a chilly and clear last night in Toronto January 31st 2025.

Massey Hall is a Toronto venue that is for me, hands down the most special place to take in a concert in the city. There is intimacy, history incredible vibe and sound in the room that is so complimentary to artists and fans alike. The only downside of the venue if I really had to reach is that there are some seats with obstructed viewing. Just avoid those seats and read the fine print when buying your tickets!

Here is a bit more about massey hall taken straight from their website for anyone wanting to learn more about the iconic venue: "Known as “Canada’s Carnegie Hall,” Massey Hall is Canada’s oldest and most venerated concert hall. It opened in 1894 and was the home of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra and the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir until 1982. The site of many historic events and performances, it has been repeatedly voted Canada’s best live music venue over 1,500 seats and venue of the year by Canadian music industry associations. It is a National Historic Site and a heritage site in the City of Toronto. It was closed between 2 July 2018 and 24 November 2021 to allow for a $184-million renovation."

My favorite show of his! My 6th time seeing him play live. After catching David Gray on his White Ladder 25th anniversary tour 2 years ago. I truly thought that magical summer night at Budweiser stage could not be topped. But somehow I have to say, for me, this show was a perfect 10.

David graced us with his greatest hits, deep cuts, fresh new material and covers that an audience could ever hope for. The setlist was steller, the energy in the room was palpable between artist and audience and I got to watch the show with my family which was extra special.

here is the Set list from the show:


Truly and amazing mix of new and old songs. And just like the last time I saw him, he performed two amazing covers. One of Depeche Mode's "I just can't get enough" and the other of Van Morrison's "The way young lovers do". I have to say, I am only really familiar with Jeff Buckley's version of the song. To hear it in a full band way, a bit more faithful to the original but with a David Gray twist was an amazing experience. I truthfully only listened to Van Morrison's original version of it after the concert!

All this to say, if you have not had the chance to hear the newest album Dear Life or any of his 13 previous albums for that matter I highly suggest you check out this artists incredible career! And if he is playing in a city near you, please go! You will not be sorry :)

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Updated: 11 minutes ago

David Gray's 13th LP Dear Life is out today Friday, January 17th 2025.
David Gray's 13th LP Dear Life is out today Friday, January 17th 2025.

Before discussing this brilliant album, I would like to share how I first became familiar with David Gray's music and what a ride it’s been being a fan of his.

The year was 2001 and my family and I were on the trip of a lifetime in the South of France followed by a weekend in Paris. We all absolutely fell in love with the citie’s cafes, museums and life changing food and music.

Me (with bleached blond hair) on the Champs-Élysées in the Spring of 2001.
Me (with bleached blond hair) on the Champs-Élysées in the Spring of 2001.

On a city walk, we discovered what is still to this day, the best record store I have ever been to. It was the Virgin Records Megastore right on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. The beautiful 3 story building was packed with every kind of media you could imagine and there was even a bar and restaurant at the top floor.

 Upon finding this picture on the web I sadly discovered that the store is now closed.
Upon finding this picture on the web I sadly discovered that the store is now closed.

At this store you could pick any CD of your choosing and walk up to a listening station, scan the barcode on the back of the CD you were interested in and it would magically start playing the album for you. I had never seen anything like that, and my 16 year old mind was blown. This was my happy place, I had found a corner musical heaven.

Keep in mind this was very much the era of the CD and downloads had maybe just begun. I must have spent the better part of an hour looking around the store while my parents happily had some drinks at the bar on the 3rd floor.

After combing through the isles, I had finally chosen an album called White Ladder by David Gray that caught my eye in the new release section. An employee also told me that it was an incredible record. The CD also had a sticker on the front with a testimonial quote from Dave Matthews praising the album and David Gray's songwriting.

I was sold, I bought the album not knowing I would go on go listen to his music for the rest of my life. I can still remember hearing White Ladder for the first time on my portable cd player in my room at a bed and breakfast just blocks away from the Champs-Élysées . It has become a bonding record with my friends and family and I for 23 years now. When we ultimately did return home from Paris, I had an idea to see if he was touring and coming to Canada or if he was a maybe a rare European act only.

To my surprise, the timing was perfect, and he played Toronto just a few months after our trip. That would end up being the first of 6 times I've had the privillage of catching a David Gray concert.

Therefore, it's always a special day when David Gray puts out a new record. All I can really say is that I am thankful for his music and to be a David Gray fan is a magical experience.

Today, 23 years later, David Gray has released his 13th album titled Dear Life. I’m only on my fourth listen through as I write this, but what a beautiful collection of songs this is!

The perfect record to get swept away in with it's lush production and sentiment, packed with captivating lyrics that float among his trademark hypnotic and swirling songwriting that is fraught with soothing hooks. This album has lots of mojo, vibe and presense. The kind of record that can make bad speakers sound good if you know what I mean. The album also features the very welcomed return of fan favorite drummer and original White Ladder collaborator Craig McClune (commonly known by fans as “Clune”.)

“Dear life” was recorded after the success of his White Ladder 2oth anniversary tour which was initially put hold due the global pandemic and was completed the following year. I can confirm that the delay of that tour was absolutely worth the wait.

David Gray white ladder 20th anniversary tour in Toronto, Canada July 15th, 2022 at Budweiser stage

After the tour, Gray moved homes and subsequently recording studios, leaving behind a studio where he had crafted so many of his recent albums. This new change seems to have played a part in this incredibly refreshing batch of songs that he has blessed us with today.

I feel very lucky to live in the same time as this noble songwriter. In Dear Life David Gray takes fans into uncharted musical waters, and it’s a joy.

Love, courage, magic, contemplation and revelation seem to be at the fore with this one. I am so, looking forward to spending more time with the music and catching it live!

To be continued ... 

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In anticipation of The Cure's upcoming album Songs of a lost world due out November 1st 2024. I've made a spotify playlist of some of my personal favourite songs from The Cure which you can dig into here as you have a read if you like!

What's ironic about writing this article after my previous Coldplay article is that I actually discovered The Cure's music through Coldplay.

How you ask? Well..... back in the days of Coldplay's A Rush of Blood to the head era Circa 2002 or so ... Coldplay had a very awesome band website at the time.

I don't remember all the details of the layout, but what stands out in my memory is the presence of a flash music player on the website known as the "Coldplayer". This Coldplayer showcased the band's favorite music, which I found to be a brilliant way of introducing fans to their influences, both past and present.

I can't remember all the songs on the Coldplayer playlist, but two tracks that stand out in my memory are The Cure's "A Forest" and The Streets' "It's too late" from the now iconic Original Pirate Material album, which instantly turned me into a fan of both bands.

I had seen and heard some of The Cure's music on the periphery growing up through seeing their music videos on Much Music (Canada's MTV) but "A Forest" was the first song by the band that truly connected with me and made me a fan ever since.

Since that time, I have acquired extensive knowledge of their music and formed numerous close friendships based on our shared appreciation of their music and discography.

As is typical with exceptional bands, the most enjoyable aspect of our discussions is that each of us has distinct favorite albums and songs for various reasons, yet ultimately we simply love it all!

As far as complete albums go, my personal favourites in chronological order are:

  1. Disintegration (seems to be one that we all seem to agree on) 1989

2. Seventeen seconds (featuring "A forest" of course) 1980

  1. Dream 4:13 2008

  2. Songs from a Lost World ? (if the first two singles "Alone" and "A fragile thing" are any indication, this album is certainly going to be worth the 16 year wait for new material from Robert Smith and the band.

What's your favourite album by The Cure?

  • Three Imaginary Boys (1979)

  • Seventeen Seconds (1980)

  • Faith (1981)

  • Pornography (1982)

To celebrate the release of The Cure's Songs of a lost world they have JUST (literally as I am writing this) released a deep dive interview about S.O.A.L.W with Robert Smith filmed at Abbey Road Studios.

To my delight, there is a question asked specifically about the same shady ticketmaster practices that us fans are all aware of but also Robert Smith's side of things on how he has gone up against them in his career . Watch this fascinating section from the interview.

Later in the interview, the interviewer asked Robert Smith what his favourite songs were by The Cure. Robert Smith instead proposed to instead state his favorite songs from each album that he though could fit on the newest album (So much more fun!)

I have turned that into a playlist for your listening pleasure as well. *Disclaimer, one song is not on here which was "Treasure" from Wild Mood Swings, not available on spotify unfortunately.

If you have the time and you are a true fan of The Cure's music, check out the full interview where he also goes into more detail of each song on the album and an eerie story regarding the album artwork.

Now, if you had the opportunity to read my previous article about my frustrating experience with sale and resale of tickets for the upcoming Coldplay concert through ticketmaster ... you know that I have been calling for some sort of justice on the sale and resale of tickets. Suggesting that there should caps on the prices of sale and verified resale tickets. At the moment tickets can be resold for basically any price you can imagine which is uniquivickley taking advantage of music fans.

In comes The Cure, to my delight, swooping in with the exact sort of solution I was hoping to see from a major artist.

To commemorate the release of their brand new 8 song album, the Cure will be playing a live show November 1st Live in London, UK at the Troxy which will also include a free Live Stream over youtube for fans around the world as well.

Tickets for the show were not through ticketmaster but instead through Knowing full well the day in age we are living in, of course tickets for that special show had already hit the resale market. Nuh-Uh says The Cure.

Stay tuned for more leading up to the highly anticipated release of Songs of a lost world, and not 1 but 2 live streams. The band will be doing a live stream on BBC Radio 2 on October 30th but it appears that only UK residents can apply for tickets. The band will then play the show at the Troxy on November 1st which is release day and the live stream of the show at the Troxy will be streaming on youtube for free for fans.

In the meantime, I simply would like to say thank you to Robert Smith and The Cure for getting it right in regards to their ticket sales and the sale of their merchandise. If you haven't already, you can pre order the new record in various formats here

And to Coldplay, thank you too, I still love your music and I may not have got into the Cure's music if it weren't for you guys. Now please follow these business practices for your ticket sales of the Music of Spheres Tour :D

P.S This picture was from The Cure's amazing concert last time they were in Toronto, previewing some of the new material. June 14th 2023.

Set list from that concert here

written by Brad Gardner

Sunday, October 20th 2024.

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